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The Best Remedies For TMJ Pain

Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, can happen when one of the many parts of your jaw is misaligned or otherwise damaged. The temporomandibular joint is unique in that it glides and pivots. Because there are so many moving parts required to make this dual motion happen, it only takes a minor malfunction to cause pain. In addition to this, the jaw joint is the only joint in the body that has something that prevents it from closing entirely, i.e., your teeth. When the temporomandibular joint is properly aligned, your teeth should line up comfortably and naturally. A bite that feels “off” can be both an indicator of and a cause of TMJ.

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Symptoms of TMJ Disorders

People experience TMJ disorders differently. Symptoms vary from person to person and based on where the problem stems from. If the jaw itself is involved, the TMJD symptoms may be more noticeable:

Limited movement or locking of the jaw

Upper and lower teeth that don’t fit together

Presence of clicking, grating, or popping sounds when opening or closing the mouth

Bruxism, or grinding of the teeth

Pain in the muscles that control jaw movement

Other symptoms of TMJD may also go beyond these and may affect other parts of your body:

Neck pain

Headaches or migraines


Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears

At first, these symptoms might seem unconnected to your jaw problem. However, when you understand the anatomy of the jaw, its functions, and movements, it would make sense how these symptoms can be part of your disorder. These symptoms may intensify after chewing food, during stressful events, or when you obtain an injury to the head, neck, or jaw.


There are a wide variety of treatments that have been shown to provide pain relief from TMJ symptoms. A dentist or doctor can discuss the benefits of each method for your unique case. In some cases, you might mix and match treatments such as:

Acupuncture: Uses thin needles to stimulate certain nerves to signal the brain to release neural hormones. It’s been shown to reduce pain and swelling and relieve muscle spasms, which can permit the jaw to move with a wider range of motion. One study showed that 85 percent of TMJ patients responded positively to acupuncture, reporting an average reduction of 75 percent in pain intensity. This isn’t the treatment for you if you’re wary of needles, and you do need to see your acupuncturist regularly.

Chiropractic treatments: Doctors of Chiropractic are trained to realign the bones of the spine to release tension. This releases excess pressure on the nerves, helping to reduce TMJ discomfort. A TMJ chiropractor can also address any posture issues that contribute to your TMJ. Patients who respond to chiropractic care will usually require regular visits to their TMJ chiropractor.

Exercises: TMJ exercises are designed to increase mobility and strength in the muscles of the jaw. A dentist or doctor can provide more guidance on the specific exercises that are appropriate for you.

Heat and cold therapy: Using heat or ice to manage TMJ pain is a temporary way to find relief and can be used on everything from achy cheek muscles to tight shoulders.

Relaxation techniques: TMJ pain is often aggravated by tense muscles and clenched teeth caused by stress and anxiety. Many people with TMJ find it helpful to incorporate relaxation methods, such as deep breathing, to manage tension.

Mouthguards: Wearing a TMJ mouthguard is the quickest and easiest way to address the discomfort of TMJ symptoms. It’s a low-fuss way to protect the teeth and reduce tension in the jaw muscle, but you must take the time to seek out a high-quality TMJ mouthguard.

The best treatment for TMJ is the least invasive one that works for you. Many natural TMJ methods provide patients like you with measurable pain relief. However, it’s important to choose an at-home TMJ treatment that you can incorporate into your daily routine with ease. Consistency is key, particularly with natural TMJ pain management methods, and wearing a mouthguard for TMJ is so easy you can do it in your sleep. Along with TMJ exercises, relaxation techniques, and heat and cold therapy, wearing a mouthguard is a quick and easy way to address the discomfort caused by TMJ. For a natural way to address TMJ pain, get a mouth guard for TMJ from CustMbite today.