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The 3 Major Effects Of Fibromyalgia In Women

Fibromyalgia typically affects women in their twenties and thirties, and it’s more common in women than men, though researchers don’t know why. Because it’s tricky to diagnose, it’s important to understand the symptoms so you can recognize it and suggest the possibility to your doctor.

The following are the effects of fibromyalgia in Women and how to deal with.

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Ovarian Hormones

A review looked at ovarian hormones and their role in regulating chronic pain. It summarized that a majority of relevant studies found a correlation between hormone changes and pain thresholds, symptoms, or intensity. The findings of hormone level changes and their effect on pain severity suggest that they may indeed play a role in fibromyalgia. However, the review also found that the study designs were highly inconsistent which doesn’t allow for definitive comparison. So although ovarian hormones may have an effect on fibromyalgia-related pain, it is difficult to conclude a relationship between them.

Sex Hormones

There are also studies which call into question the role that sex hormones play in fibromyalgia syndrome. A study investigated how sex hormones might be involved in fibromyalgia. They found that while women with fibromyalgia had consistently lower pain and tolerance relative to women without fibromyalgia, pain levels at the late follicular phase was only weakly linked to hormone levels. The results suggest that sex hormones may play only a limited role regarding pain sensitivity in women.

Additionally, a study found that hormonal replacement therapy of estrogen did not have an effect on self-reported pain or experimental pain responses in the postmenopausal women sample group.


The role of testosterone on fibromyalgia has been less researched. A study tested the role of testosterone deficiency on chronic pain disorders. Using testosterone gel set above normal blood levels, they assessed typical fibromyalgia symptoms in 12 women, using patient questionnaires and tender point examinations. The symptoms included muscle pain, fatigue, and stiffness. The researchers found there was an overall decreased severity level of symptoms. All in all, this may point to testosterone’s ability to relieve some fibromyalgia symptoms.

Natural and effective care for fibromyalgia in Women

Medication doesn’t work for everyone who has a condition like fibromyalgia. Going for natural methods may be the better option. Making some lifestyle changes like better diet choices, drinking more water, and eliminating artificial sweeteners are some relatively simple changes that anyone can make.

But another effective way to relieve fibromyalgia discomfort is upper cervical chiropractic care. This method corrects the upper cervical spine because of the profound impact that these vertebrae have on the overall health of the body.

The neck is very flexible. The top two vertebrae in the spine have a wide range of motion, and they are also the two that most easily misalign. Misaligned vertebrae at the top of the neck can put pressure on the brainstem, which is an essential part of the central nervous system. Fibromyalgia is essentially a pain processing disorder. It makes sense to look at the health and function of the central nervous system when trying to find a solution for fibromyalgia.